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Giving Financially - General principles


Giving financially can be a very sensitive topic for many people as it’s been misunderstood and abused in equal measures. Because of this we often shy away from teaching, or even talking, about it. However, Jesus did not hold back on this important subject because He understood the importance of our attitudes toward money and possessions. He knew that ‘where our treasure is, there our heart will be also’ (Matthew 6:21).


Giving is not a side issue of discipleship but a fundamental reflection of our faith, trust and the place of God in our lives. It is only by being liberated in our giving that we can experience true freedom from the hold our materialistic world has on us. Jesus encourages us to ‘Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these (material) things will be given to you as well’ (Matthew 6:33).

You may feel that your income is so small and that your commitments are so large that God can’t possibly expect you to give to His church! It may feel impossible at the moment but God says to you the same as he said to the

Jewish nation, “Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” (Malachi 3:10)

As surprising as it might seem, experience proves that those who have the least are usually the ones who give the most! God understands your financial limitations but he invites you to prove His ability to meet all your needs.

Often people who begin to trust God in the area of giving find that to their amazement that He has made less money go further than ever before! If we wait until we are financially secure, then we are not really giving sacrificially.



Helpful guidelines


Give First fruits - Give God the first portions your income. doing that you constantly remember God's ownership your life. (Proverbs 3:9)


Give Proportionately - Give in proportion to the income you receive, not a specific pound amount. If you earn £100, a tithe (10%) would be £10. If you earn £100,000, your proportionate gift would be £10,000. God sees the £10 gift as just as important and meaningful as the £10,000 gift. Proportionate giving challenges both the rich and the poor. (1 Corinthians 16:2)


Give Sacrificially - At times God asks you give until you can truly feel the giving. Giving sacrificially usually includes one of the following: a rearrangement of priorities, a change in lifestyle, or a forfeiture of something valued. When you give sacrificially, you give your best. (2 Corinthians 8: 2-3)


Give Regularly - The Bible tells us to give "on the first day of every week " (1 Corinthians 16:2), so making giving a priority and not something we do with what is left over.


Give Cheerfully - Receiving is great, but the exhilaration is greater when you are able to give another person. The Holy Spirit uses your giving to deepen your faith in Christ. (2 Corinthians. 9:7)


Give Quietly - Your purpose should be to please God, not to be seen by others. (Matt. 6:1)


Tithe - Tithing is the practice of honouring God with one tenth (10%) of your income. This is not an obligation but a good practice.

God is not concerned about the size of the gift, but the motive for it. (Gen. 14:10-22) Tithing is giving God a portion of your best, not your leftovers.



Ways of giving to BCC


There are three ways in which you can give financially to BCC


1. By putting money into the collection boxes located in the two entrance foyers on a Sunday, or by placing it in an envelope

and handing into the church office during the week. Alternatively you can use the DONA Contactless giving station in the entrance. 


2. By setting up a standing order or making a one-off gift to Bransgore Community Church by contacting your bank, or using

a banking app on your phone or other digital device. (Sort code: 40-52-40, Account number : 00035575).


3. By filling in a Bank Mandate form that can be requested from the church office.



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